Traditional vs Digital communication channels

Published by Seven Ink Management

-September, 2022

Depending on your objectives, the budget defined and communication timelines, you have the option to choose different communication channels.

Traditional media


The press








Can also be face-to-face push strategies

Digital Media


Social networks




Traditional marketing is one-way communication whereas digital marketing includes two-way communication channels. Owing to the growth of social network sites, the word-of-mouth influence consumer behaviour. Digital marketing has longer carryover effects and higher responses than traditional marketing.

Traditional channels such as TV, radio, newspapers and direct mail are losing their efficacy. Although digital channels are important communication tools and the use is increasing, many companies are yet to unlock their full potential.

How to communicate?

Different audiences have different levels of trust in different channels. Creating a well-rounded communication strategies that targets your audience is the best go-to. For many businesses there is focus on speed and efficiency, which is associated with email and internet channels. For some, the need to reach a larger audience during peak times is more valuable.

Having synergy between traditional and digital marketing communication channels will have a positive effect on businesses due to consistent message that creates a great persuasion effect on customer.

Asking for feedback and measuring reach will help you shape your channels as you roll through your campaign.

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